Warming South Tyrolean cheese dumpling soup

Submitted by IBIS Backwarenvertriebs GmbH from Aachen


Preparation time: 30 minutes

Serving size: 4


  • 1 IBIS Ciabatta
  • 1 large onion
  • 1/2 bunch flat-leaf parsley
  • 300 g mountain cheese
  • 3 eggs (size L)
  • 150 ml milk
  • salt
  • Pepper
  • nutmeg
  • 1 bunch of chives
  • 1.5 litres of strong beef stock


  • Sunflower oil for frying


Cut the ciabatta into approx. 1 cm cubes. Spread them out on a baking tray. Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Bake the ciabatta cubes for about 10 minutes until crispy but not too dark. Remove and leave to cool on the tray.

In the meantime, peel and finely dice the onion. Wash the parsley, shake dry and finely chop the leaves.

Heat some sunflower oil in a pan and sauté the onion in it for about 5 minutes, stirring. Stir in the parsley and cook until combined. Transfer the mixture to a bowl.

Add the ciabatta cubes to the onion-parsley mixture. Grate the cheese and add it too.

Whisk the eggs with the milk in a second bowl. Season with salt, pepper and plenty of nutmeg. Pour the egg milk over the ciabatta mixture. Cover and leave to stand for about 30 minutes. Then mix well and form about 10 flat dumplings with wet hands.

Heat enough sunflower oil and fry the cheese dumplings on both sides until golden brown. If necessary, proceed in portions.

Heat the beef stock. Wash the chives, dab dry and cut into small rolls. To serve, place about 2 dumplings in each soup plate. Pour the hot beef broth over them and serve everything sprinkled with chives.

IBIS products used

IBIS Ciabatta
