Recipe submission

Allowed file types: .jpg / .jpeg

Please enter one ingredient per line.

Please enter each step of the instructions in a new line.

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Hint: You can find the answer on the product page

Weitere Informationen zur Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

Terms of use and liability

The sender of recipes agrees that IBIS Backwarenvertriebs GmbH is entitled to use the submitted recipes, i.e. texts and/or images, on its own online portal as well as in printed advertising material without any restrictions in terms of time, space or content. The submitter assures that the submitted recipes are free of third-party rights, in particular copyrights, trademark rights or personal rights. This applies to all submitted recipes and images. In particular, the right of reproduction in accordance with § 16 UrhG, including the right of digitalisation, the right of distribution and the right of rental in accordance with § 17 UrhG, the right of public access in accordance with § 19a UrhG and the right of editing and redesign in accordance with § 23 UrhG are granted. The sender agrees that publication of the submitted recipes, i.e. the submitted texts and images, may be made by stating his first and last name. However, IBIS Backwarenvertriebs GmbH is under no obligation to exploit the rights of use of the submitted recipes (texts and/or images) and in particular no obligation to publish the recipes (texts and/or images). IBIS Backwarenvertriebs GmbH is also under no obligation to mention the name of the sender of recipes. The sender guarantees that the submitted recipe, including all texts and/or images, may be used and published by IBIS Backwarenvertriebs GmbH for the purposes and in the manner described above.